Generate Leads Like Ron Burgundy

Lead-generation is the top goal for most trade show exhibitors. With so many other booths and vendors, attracting potential clients can seem like a matter of having the biggest, loudest displays. But smart marketing strategy is the real key to making lasting impressions. Here are our tips for making the most of your time and money.
Sometimes, lead-generation is about attention grabbing like our old friend Ron. If you landed on this page from our email clicking on Whales Vagina, a scene only Ron could pull off, well then it worked. You landed on this page!
Gather your team for a brainstorming session. Generate ideas for a visually memorable theme that works in tandem with your other marketing initiatives, including email, press releases and social campaigns. Consider introducing a new product and interesting or educational demonstrations. Look for options that are clever, creative, surprising and, of course, non-offensive. Always double-check that your final plan follows the rules of the show.
Target Your Ideal Customer
Develop a strategy to draw your target audience, rather than the largest audience. Everyone likes free stuff, but even your giveaways should be specifically geared toward people who are really interested in your offering. One way to attract your target audience is to provide timely, helpful information that addresses a problem your potential clients face. Research topics that prospective clients find interesting to create specific, engaging information for your visitors – this is what will set you apart from the flashiest booths.
Design Your Exhibit Carefully
Your exhibit should be more than just a booth, it should be a message to potential clients. Here are a few tips to make your booth distinctive, attractive and welcoming.
• Include an interactive element in your booth.
• Use lighting to highlight your display graphics.
• Appeal to multiple senses, not just sight.
• Get a booth in a prime location, such as in the middle of the traffic flow or in a corner.
• Focus on a few large images and messages.
• Choose bold colors for your exhibit.
• Minimize clutter by bringing only your most popular products.
• Keep your space clean.
• Run a promotional video.
• Give away free samples.
• Have some kind of game, raffle or activity.
• Offer a special discount at the show.
• Place an ad in show literature.
• Have your staff wear company clothing.
• Hand out branded swag.
• Give people a reason to tweet about your booth.
• Hand out unique items, such as branded mints.
Before the Show
To maximize your potential leads, grab your audience’s attention before the show even begins. Use postcards, emails, local media and social media to reach show attendees and start building your story before the event. Use humor to surprise people and raise their curiosity about the show and your exhibit.
Be sure to include your booth number on your communications. Create interest in your booth by sending half of something to potential clients before the show, and promising to give them the other half if they come by your booth. Consider sending free tickets or other incentives to your clients and best prospects.
Your Booth Staff
Outgoing professionals who are excited and knowledgeable go a long way toward generating leads. Train your staff well by communicating your goals and expectations. Give them engaging questions for visitors, answers to common questions and a thorough knowledge of all products. Give them frequent breaks to stay fresh, and consider offering a prize or reward to the person who gets the highest number of leads.
After the Show
Our VOXX team can help you evaluate the methods you used, determine which worked the best and what should be modified before your next show. There are many ways to get noticed, but focusing on your target audience and creating a cohesive strategy will help you build a successful exhibit and generate leads. Now that you have those leads, make sure to follow up with your potential clients. Our team of experienced trade show professionals are ready to help you make the most out of next exhibit!