Giving Music Festivals a Makeover

Believe it or not, in the old days music festivals were about, well, music. Maybe you had a little food or drink, got up and danced, but now music festivities have a new face—one that asks the audience for sense-exploding, sensory-splitting commitment.

How is VOXX different than other festival designers? Usually, you have diverse teams attempting to come together to try to create something, but since we cover a lot of ground, there’s nothing forced about our cohesion as we create a music exhibition together. We’ve been working together so long that we’re like a well oiled-machine.

Ways to reinvent music festival without loosing the music

Branding the music

We’re knee deep in branding for products and services, but how does that apply to music?  A music festival centers around the concert, so we treat like we would any of our projects. We decided on the design, look and feel of the show and make sure that everything from the lights, graphics, trade show booths, and festival technology we use matches the tone of everything so it has a sense of connection.

100% Organic

VOXX is Louisiana born and raised, and we feel like our region reflects who we are and the work that we do. We think that where you’re born and raised should reveal who you are and how your concert looks. We ask these questions before we even start designing your festival. Where’s your concert being held? What’s worked before? What’s the history of the region? From the marketing campaign to the final concert—we want to make sure it’s all connected.

Larger than life

We place large Light-Emitting Diode (LED) video screens strategically so they’re not in the way of the action but can give a better vantage concert vantage point. Depending on what you need we can create one large screen or smaller screens. There’s the concert. LED can turn it into a concert on steroids. We’re all about enhancing and enriching the experience through technology. LED is just shining a light on things literally and figuratively.

Sharing the music

Used the right way, VR opens up a whole new world and audience. You can either offer viewers a 360-degree real-time streaming view of your concert while it’s happening. Or you can offer VR headsets and get an all-around concert view. VR is a wonderful alternative to being at a concert without actually being there. Some love their festivals crowded and full of festival go-ers others want to avoid the crowds. Yes, you can get your groove on, while avoiding the masses, the lines, did we mention the avoiding the crowds?

Sponsor love

Let’s face it, without sponsors there’d be no concert and vice versa. However, it can be awkward knowing where and how to include your sponsors. Admit it, when you see a banner reading “THE ACME CORPORATION PROUDLY SPONSORS THIS CONCERT” in large letters, it can take you out of the experience. We’ve found that there’s a way to organically include the sponsors in trade booths designs to fit in with the concert—creating one seamless experience.  It’s as if the sponsors are with the band, which they are, only not.

Sometimes it seems that the music is secondary to the technology or events surrounding the concert. It is important to match the experience with the music, which in turn will attract organizations that also want to partner with the music. Those are just some of the ways we’re reinventing the music festival experience.

We’re here to help you make memories for your festivalgoer, from consumer activations to creating campaigns, streaming services, and location-based marketing.

It’s time to turn up your brand’s voice.